At Conwest, our commitment to exceptional homeowner care sets us apart as a trusted partner in your journey. We understand that a home is more than just a place. That's why we take pride in going above and beyond to ensure that our valued homeowners experience the utmost satisfaction and peace of mind. We don't just build homes, we cultivate lasting relationships, fostering a sense of belonging and trust that endures through the years.
Our homeowner care division is equipped with a team of passionate experts, well-versed in all aspects to enhance your living experience. From construction to key handover, we purposefully manage the process and take the time to ensure all elements are properly in place and a seamless transition is provided to homeowners.

Find all the essential documentation for your home at Grace by visiting the Grace Westside Homeowner Care Portal.

Find all the essential documentation for your home at Lēah by visiting the Lēah Homeowner Care Portal.
Have any further questions or inquiries? Please select the link below to submit a service request and for more information on home maintenance.